Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What will it take?

Trees clean air, improve water quality, save energy, increase real estate value, provide food, shelter for various species, are homes to birds and bees.What more reasons do we need to protect them, to conserve them? During our time, we had great leaders, philosophers, revolutionaries, humanitarians to fight and bring justice to causes that concerned human inequality and racism. Isn't this problem of tree slaughter the same? Except here, we have the human race pitted again the speechless jewels of our nature. Blazing fast, razor sharp chain saws and axes chopping the helpless trees away without rest.

Do we need a version of the great Martin Luther King Jr. , who will arise with a nature conservationist dream. Who will have to toil for the misdeeds of a bunch of money crazy animals? Can not regular and like minded folks like me and you make a difference? What will it take, I think is the key question.

Are we waiting for this also, to become a story of shame. Like the black revolution King lead, are we waiting for a green revolution? The officials of our prestigious forest department close eyes to these poachers. Their corrupt hands cannot stop the axe. Many attempts to bring this up made no difference with the authorities.

Saagara, part of the Malnad belt, a nature haven in the state of Karnataka ( INDIA ) is gradually but surely turning into a barren land. What can be done to prevent the obvious?

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